Rabbia Musaddaq*1, Saad Fareed2, Muhammad Zaid3, Ayesha Khan*1, Midhat-e-Zahra3, Habiba Shabbir1 and Aleeza Touseef2

1Department of Zoology, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan 2Avicenna Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan 3Al-Aleem Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan

*Corresponding author: (RM); (AK)

To Cite this Article :

Musaddaq R, Fareed S, Zaid M, Khan A, Midhat-e-Zahra, Shabbir H and Touseef A, 2024. Antidiabetic effect of herbal and pharmaceutical interventions on albino mice. Agrobiological Records 17: 23-29.


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease due to the malfunctioning of B cells of the pancreas. For a very long time, various herbal remedies have been utilized to prevent diabetes. To compare the hypoglycemic impact of an allopathic medication called Metformin, which has a dosage of 650mg/kg BW, with the hypoglycemic effect of a herbal extract (a 2:1 combination of cinnamon and fenugreek) at 200mg/kg BW, this study was designed. Fenugreek and cinnamon contain bioactive ingredients called procyanidin and 4-hydroxy isoleucine, which have anti-diabetic properties. There were four groups of mice. The first group received no treatment; the second group received no treatment; a third group received herbal extract treatment; and the fourth group received metformin treatment. Swiss Albino received a single intraperitoneal injection of alloxan monohydrate at 200mg/kg BW. Group III (the treated group) received 200mg/kg of herbal extract for 14 days. Additionally, treated group IV received metformin for 14 days at a 650mg/kg dose. After treating groups III and IV with an herbal extract and metformin, the bilirubin level gradually and dramatically (P<0.05) decreased from the elevated level in the +ve control group. Similarly, serum levels of alkaline phosphate (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) increased dramatically (P<0.05) in alloxan-induced diabetic mice due to liver injury. Their level was dramatically (P<0.05) reduced after the extract and metformin were administered, coming very near to the -ve control group. This decrease demonstrated the potency of metformin and herbal extract. However, metformin worked better than herbal extract. The liver portion displayed a considerable degree of damage in the diabetic group. Following treatment, the liver section's typical architecture was noted. The trial results indicate that the herbal extract has hypoglycemic properties but to a lesser extent than the allopathic medication metformin.

Article Overview

  • Volume : 17 (Jul-Sep 2024)
  • Pages : 23-29